To our awesomely awesome friends, supporters, and clients.
This year has been an exciting and profitable one, here at Digital Sapien Interactive, and that is only made possible through the support of you, our loyal clients, and friends. So, I’d like to take this moment to give you a great big THANK YOU.
This month is a big one here at Digital Sapien Interactive because it marks our second anniversary. We have seen many changes and a lot of growth in the business, and that is not only because of the hard work of our valuable team, but also the investment that our partners have put into the business.
In the past year, we have had some events take please that we are especially proud of, and I feel it shows the values and goals that we have here at Digital Sapien Interactive.

- In 2019, we have expanded and grown our client roster – including our white label SEO services clients – and have built 21 websites of all sizes across a variety of industries.
- In addition to all that, we built an in-house website analysis tool that scans, analyzes, and creates reports for websites against key SEO factors enabling rapid on-page SEO auditing.
- We were accepted into SEOmonitor’s Spark Program as well as joined the Manufacturers’ Agents National Association “MANA”. The former allows us to provide superior campaign monitoring capabilities for our SEO clients and the latter will allow us to work with great brands in the manufacturing sector.
- We are honored to know that we are enabling people to find jobs by working with and advising for companies in the recruitment technology space. We love knowing that what we do is having a positive impact on the business world and the everyday lives of people.
- Plus, we had the pleasure and a privilege to work with some teams of outrageously talented individuals and partners.